Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Trash To Treasure - Message Board

For homework this week Alyssa was asked to create something new out of recycled materials.  After some thought we decided a message board for her teacher would be nice.  So we took my old cookie sheet that was destined for the trash and covered it with material in her teacher's favorite colors.  We then covered a small can to hold pencils with a coordinating material.  To create magnets we attached self adhesive magnet rounds to some cute buttons.  In the dollar bin at Wal-Mart we found a cute note pad.  With some scrap ribbon we dressed up the pencil holder and at the top as a hanger.  After it was complete we all agreed that next time we have a cookie sheet that has seen better days we need to make one for us!

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I'd love to hear your feedback and comments. I'd also love and suggestions to help me perfect my skills as I develop them. Have a question? I'll try to answer it for you right away.

The only think I ask is that negativity not be posted. You know that old saying your mother probably taught you? "If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all!"