Monday, July 23, 2012

New Doors & Windows

When we bought our house we knew we'd need to eventually replace the window and door in our dining room.  This year we had to forgo a trip to visit our friends in Oregon in lieu of replacing these.  Watching the two men work was like my very own HGTV show.  It motivated me to fix the railing on the porch that the previous owner never did.  I had all of the parts so it was just a matter of cutting and drilling.  I am so happy with the way both projects turned out.  Now to save to replace the rest of our windows.



1 comment:

  1. Katie, I'm glad you posted these on Facebook because it let me see the one about the girls night and other fun things that you do with your kids. I hope you know that so far I think you are doing a fantastic job as a mother and seeing your blog and other peoples I think I might just make one myself :)


I'd love to hear your feedback and comments. I'd also love and suggestions to help me perfect my skills as I develop them. Have a question? I'll try to answer it for you right away.

The only think I ask is that negativity not be posted. You know that old saying your mother probably taught you? "If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all!"